Friday, March 26, 2010

Jesus and Jellybeans...

two of my favorite things! This year for Easter we focus on Jesus' death and resurrection and how we can help children relate to this big concept. Many children understand the idea of a time out chair or sitting in the corner for being naughty. We can compare that to what would happen to us if we had to pay for our own sins...eternity in time-out. But Jesus has sat in the chair for us and when we ask for forgiveness for the things we've done wrong, we won't ever have to sit in the chair! Amazing!

During this theme we also use the Jellybean prayer to help the children put something concrete with the concepts. Use one verse each day, and eat the corresponding colored jellybean as you talk about what it means that God is the King, or the Light and the Way or how we sin and how God loves us, etc.

Purple reminds me that You are the King.
Green reminds me that You made everything.
Orange reminds me You create each new day.
Yellow reminds me You are the Light and the Way.
Black reminds me of the sins I have done.
White reminds me that through You, they’re all gone.
Red reminds me on the cross, You shed blood.
Pink reminds me that You are Love.
Thank You for jelly beans, they’re more than a treat-
They’re a promise of hope, a promise so sweet!

Have a happy Easter!

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