Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Showers

bring May flowers. I woke up this morning to the sounds of thunder and rain beating against the roof...oh how I love spring showers! Time to dust off those umbrellas! Here are a couple ideas to do on a rainy day.

You can make a quick and easy umbrella to stick in a sandwich or snack for fun. Cut out a circle from construction paper (3" diameter or so). Have the children fold the circle in half, into quarters and finally into eighths. Unfold the circle and let them decorate their umbrella. Carefully poke a flat toothpick into the center of the circle to finish the umbrella.

Print the umbrella on this page, have your children decorate the umbrella and then put blue glitter glue dots around it for the raindrops falling down.

Stop and listen to the sound of the rain, try listening to it from different rooms in your house, does it sound different?

Happy Spring!

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